
Young Champions I and II 

(5-8 and 6-10 Years Old)

The young champions program focuses on the most basic and simple self-defense techniques and basic verbal confrontation-avoidance techniques. Students are taught to follow commands within a specific time frame and to express themselves verbally not physically.

We have developed several “games” in which they must use the techniques they have learned. This allows the kids to learn in a fun way while developing their coordination and reflexes. Our instructors are trained to always keep the children motivated and at the same time disciplined.

When the student is proficient at the techniques in the Young Champions I program or turns 8 years old, they will be allowed the join the Young Champions II class. In this class they will get introduced to the power and responsibility that comes with sparring and learning submissions for self-defense.

Youth I and II 

(8-11 and 12-15 years old)

Bullying is most prevalent in this age group.

We focus our program on basic self-defense techniques that will help our students defend themselves from any situation that may arise including confrontation-avoidance dialogues. We often have class discussions about bullies and what to do in specific situations.

In the Youth I and Youth II programs our students start to spar on a regular basis. After learning the moves, sparring is the most important part of their learning. Sparring works their reflexes in real time situations and is the closest thing to defending themselves against an attacker in real life.8

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Bully Consulting


It’s our goal at Caique Jiu-Jitsu that ALL kids be able to stop bullying using our methods.

We teach the kids a step by step process on how to control a bully. We teach them how to be aware and use words to avoid getting attacked.  Enrolled students also learn how to use jiu-jitsu to defend themselves when someone tries to hurt them. The difference between just getting teased and bullied is that when kids are bullied it has a direct effect on their everyday life.

Character Counts

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Character Counts is designed to encourage positive behaviors on and off the mat. It focuses on strengthening our students’ characters to help them grow up with strong values and healthy habits. We will choose one topic each month and give the kids a task to complete. The prize varies every month!

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New Schedule begins on 9/6/2022